Not An Ordinary Beverage
Not An Ordinary Beverage
Made with the original drink (Tepache) in mind, the De La Calle Tepache brand of beverages uses a simple recipe to produce a vegan, gluten-free, soy-free quality drink that is taking hold in the U.S.
Certified organic with 40 calories or less and low sugars there are a variety of flavors waiting to hydrate and refresh you.
Available at Target and other retailers, the company offers new online customers 10% discounts on the first order with email sign up.
Look for this rising brand at local boutique restaurants and foodie hangouts.
Or just visit TEPACHE to find a store near you or to order on their site!

Campaigning During COVID
Campaigning During COVID
The campaign season for the 2020 elections will not be business as usual. Restrictions related to COVID-19 include social distancing, non-public gatherings, and the inability to canvass in communities with a high number of positive cases. All of which will hinder get out the vote efforts.
Campaign teams are scrambling to get their message out via traditional mailers, phone banking, and social media platforms. But some are bucking public health warnings and either walking door-to-door themselves or sending out hired "volunteers" to meet with voters at home.
The question remains - Should candidates be campaigning door-to-door during COVID?
Luis Alvarado, running for Pico Rivera City Council, says no.
"The public's safety should come first. There are many ways to engage voters without jeopardizing their health. This is a serious and potentially deadly pandemic and it should be treated as such. Any canvassing, especially in Latino communities with high infection rates, is reckless."
Former Mayor Pro Tem, and council member with the City of Santa Ana for 12 years, Michele C. Martinez tends to agree. "It should be about safety first. Although I am surprised to see candidates posting there door-to-door efforts online, especially the new candidates, I understand the need to have face-to-face time to get your message across. At the end of the day it's just too risky given the circumstances."
Martinez added that candidates should utilize technology especially popular apps used by Latinos like WhatsApp to reach voters.
As for the veteran campaign managers and firms, they are forgoing the legions of volunteers and paid interns who traditionally canvass and instead are taking a cautious approach.
"We are following public health officials advice on all matters COVID-19. We plan to dramatically increase phone calls, text messages and other virtual outreach," said Albert Morales, political director with LatinoDecisions.com.
Depending on where you live, you may have candidates walking and knocking and others using new and old tools to reach voters.
Incumbent California Assemblyman Reggie Jones-Sawyer is re-working his campaign to ensure the safety of his constituents. "I represent a Black and Latino district with the majority being of Latin decent. COVID has hit our communities hard, so I decided to use a mix of communications tools the community is familiar with and view as favorable towards their safety. Trying to get 40 seconds of facetime with a voter and risking contracting or spreading COVID is not worth it to me. I can't see why any candidate would put their campaign ahead of public safety."
COVID-19 has affected every aspect of our lives. Elections and the way we learn about candidates is the latest norm forced to use creative measures and technology to get the message to voters.
With the November 3rd, 2020 elections around the corner, will voters take into consideration a candidate who knocks on their door during a pandemic or one using other means to send their information?
Whatever you decide, please be sure to register to vote and to of course vote.
Barbie Adds Dia De Los Muertos to its Collection
Barbie Adds Dia De Los Muertos to its Collection
A newly released Barbie Doll celebrating Dia de Los Muertos is reaching immortal status as the figure flies off retail shelves.
Listed at a retail price of $75, the doll is exploding in popularity on its first day of release with coverage by the New York Times, Newsweek and other national media outlets helping to drive buzz and pre-sale orders.
Sales prices on Ebay and other online sites have the doll listed as high as $599.
For details and retail locations visit BARBIE DIA DE LOS MUERTOS

Raising the Spirits
Raising the Spirits
The California Lottery has introduced six scenic scratchers featuring Dia de los Muertos celebrations.
This year's artwork comes to life. With familiar bright colors and elements unique to Día de los Muertos®, including sugar skulls, flowers, and papel picado.

California Education News
California Education News
By Staff
Posted September 2018
Assemblyman Kevin McCarty (D-Sacramento) has successfully passed his bill AB406 out of the state’s legislature and on to the desk of Governor Brown awaiting his signature or veto.
The bill prohibits the formation of for-profit models of charter schools managed and operated by corporations in California. According to the California Charter Schools Association (CCSA), only one percent of all charters operating in the state are for-profit.
If signed by the governor, AB406 will cause the for-profit charter schools to shut down according to the association, which supports the bill. “We have been working with our members for years to ban for-profit charter schools and we are thrilled this day is finally here. Charter schools are public schools created to put the needs of students first. Period,” said Jed Wallace, president and CEO of CCSA, who represents 1,200-member charter schools.

How important is charter authorization reform? Ask these parents.
How important is charter authorization reform? Ask these parents.
by Alexander Xol
posted on 10.24.17
On a hot morning in downtown Los Angeles nearly 200 parents, teachers and students gathered representing charter schools from across the greater Los Angeles region. They were there to show their support for public education and to tell members of the State Senate Education Committee about their experience with charter schools and the highly political aspect of charter renewals and approvals known as authorizing.
Charter schools are a part of the public-school system in California created in 1992 to help raise
the level of innovation through flexible learning methods and spaces. For nearly 25 years, charter schools have offered parents a new option in where their child can grow academically.
At-issue is whether the process by which charter schools are given permission to operate is fair, balanced and takes into consideration enough aspects of a charter school's proposal or renewal request to warrant a five-year agreement to operate.
Many of the charter school parents expressed concern over the political nature of the process that seems to checkmate charters with requirements above and beyond their petitions for operation and what is currently required by law.
Some parents like Hortensia de los Santos, spoke about the transformation of her son from struggling in his traditional public school to becoming a strong academic learner with a renewed sense of eagerness after attending a local charter public school. In her speech to other parents gathered at the hearing and pre-rally outside the Ronald Reagan State Building, de los Santos explained how although her child had a complete turnaround academically because of the structure and support the charter school provides it was threatened with closure for political reasons.
As a resident of Huntington Park, de los Santos noted that city leaders had voted in 2016 to stop new charter schools from opening in the city without credible reason or cause.
Committee Chair, Ben Allen, provided copies of the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) review of the growth and current authorization process for charter schools. The report shows that from 2005-2006 there were a total of 560 charter schools serving 200,000 students across the state with 2016-17 numbers at 1,232 schools serving 9.7% of the total number of California students in k-12 grades (580,000 pupils).
Though the committee heard testimony from parents and experts including Elizabeth Block, Board President, West Contra Costa Unified School District and Cristina de Jesus, President and Chief Executive Officer with Green Dot Public Schools California, no resolutions or acts of policy were considered.

Tomas J. Benitez
With the school year starting, many of our kids are settling into their daily academic routines, while others are becoming less and less settled. Students across California have a growing concern about an issue they have no control over: their immigration status.
Under the Obama administration’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, students who would otherwise have to fear deportation over a choice they had no part in making have been allowed to flourish in classrooms across our state and throughout the nation. But now, that uncertainty and fear have returned due to the Trump administration's decision to end DACA over the next six months.
An estimated 65,000 undocumented students graduate from U.S. high schools annually; the influx of college and university applications from this special population continues to grow each year. As a result, many Dreamers are now leaders in cities, businesses, and classrooms across the country, with over 100,000 in Los Angeles alone. As charter leaders in Los Angeles, we are joining together to stand up for these students and their families. No executive order will preclude our promise to educate all students regardless of background. These children should be encouraged—and allowed—to dream, and it is the responsibility of educators to help them do so.
The success stories of these students are not flukes. They embody the promise and success of our educational system—that their efforts can be rewarded with careers in medicine, engineering and other industries, bringing value-added resources to local economies and neighborhoods. The hard work of students alongside the tireless efforts of public school teachers have proven that high-quality public education is a game-changer. Teachers in classrooms throughout Los Angeles and the nation are ensuring that all students, regardless of immigration status, can be college ready upon graduation. Our Dreamers are overcoming social stigmas and racial tensions in order to reach their academic goals. We need to protect and encourage their efforts—not stifle them.
Public schools should be learning sanctuaries that champion intellectual curiosity, and ensure our children learn about citizenship, diversity and tolerance. As educators, we believe that all students must have the opportunity to gain access to knowledge helping to build their lives and strengthen our communities.
All students should be dreamers, and every educator should be a facilitator of their dreams.
And that is why charter leaders in Los Angeles have paved the way for keeping the public school promise to all students over the past years. Charter school operators and advocates have always been united in their commitment to educate all students. We are proud that the Los Angeles Unified School District’s board shares this goal, and has made it a priority to place kids first under the district’s “We Are One L.A. Unified” campaign.
Both charter and district schools have developed tool kits for students, alumni, and their families in need of guidance. Additionally, many schools, both charter and district, have declared themselves safe zones where immigration enforcement actions cannot take place without district review. The quality of public education should remain blind to the socio-economic and political conditions surrounding a student and his or her family. Education offers opportunity alongside a challenge to those seeking it. The simple truth is that anyone who heeds the call to improve their lot in life through academics should not be punished. Period.
Students are children, learners, our future—they are not criminals, and should not be treated as such. President Trump, himself, declared DACA students as “incredible kids” days after taking office. We agree. Politics aside, we join others in education in reaffirming our promise that all students must have access to high quality, safe educational spaces where they can grow and become productive members of our society. DACA allows just that, and it has been a successful program by any measure. Ending it arbitrarily punishes the very students who need us to fulfill the promise of public education most. America is better than that, and we urge Congress accordingly.
Emilio Pack
CEO, STEM Preparatory Schools
Los Angeles Advocacy Council Chair
Cristina de Jesus
President & CEO
Green Dot Public Schools California
Los Angeles Advocacy Council Vice Chair
Marcia Aaron
KIPP LA Schools
For more information on DACA visit DACA
Mantendremos nuestra promesa a todos los estudiantes
Mantendremos nuestra promesa a todos los estudiantes
Con el comienzo del año escolar, muchos de nuestros niños se están acomodando en sus rutinas académicas diarias, mientras que otros se están volviendo cada vez menos establecidos. Los estudiantes de California tienen una creciente preocupación sobre un tema que no tienen control sobre:su estado migratorio.
Bajo el programa de Acción Diferida para Llegadas de la Niñez (DACA) del gobierno de Obama, los estudiantes que de otra manera tendrían que temer la deportación sobre una elección que no tuvieron parte en hacer se han permitido que florezcan en las aulas de todo nuestro estado y en toda la nación. Pero ahora, esa incertidumbre y miedo han vuelto debido a la decisión de la administración de Trump de terminar con DACA durante los próximos seis meses.
Se calcula que 65,000 estudiantes indocumentados se gradúan anualmente de las escuelas secundarias estadounidenses; la afluencia de las aplicaciones universitarias y universitarias de esta población especial continúa creciendo cada año. Como resultado, muchos Soñadores son ahora líderes en ciudades, negocios y aulas en todo el país, con más de 100,000 solo en Los Ángeles. Como líderes de charters en Los Ángeles, nos estamos uniendo para defender a estos estudiantes y sus familias. Ninguna orden ejecutiva impedirá nuestra promesa de educar a todos los estudiantes, independientemente de sus antecedentes. Estos niños deben ser animados y permitidos a soñar, y es responsabilidad de los educadores ayudarlos.
Las historias de éxito de estos estudiantes no son casualidades. Ellos encarnan la promesa y el éxito de nuestro sistema educativo -que sus esfuerzos pueden ser recompensados con carreras en medicina, ingeniería y otras industrias, aportando recursos de valor agregado a las economías y barrios locales. El duro trabajo de los estudiantes junto con los incansables esfuerzos de los maestros de las escuelas públicas han demostrado que la educación pública de alta calidad es un cambio de juego. Los maestros en los salones de Los Ángeles y la nación están asegurando que todos los estudiantes, independientemente de su estatus migratorio, puedan estar listos para la universidad después de la graduación. Nuestros Soñadores están superando los estigmas sociales y las tensiones raciales para alcanzar sus metas académicas.
Las escuelas públicas deben estar aprendiendo santuarios que promuevan la curiosidad intelectual y aseguren que nuestros niños aprendan acerca de la ciudadanía, la diversidad y la tolerancia. Como educadores, creemos que todos los estudiantes deben tener la oportunidad de tener acceso al conocimiento ayudando a construir sus vidas y fortalecer nuestras comunidades.
Todos los estudiantes deben ser soñadores, y cada educador debe ser un facilitador de sus sueños.
Y es por eso que los líderes de escuelas charters en Los Ángeles han allanado el camino para mantener la promesa de la escuela pública a todos los estudiantes en los últimos años. Los operadores y defensores de las escuelas charter siempre se han unido en su compromiso de educar a todos los estudiantes. Estamos orgullosos de que la junta del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Los Ángeles comparta este objetivo y ha hecho que sea una prioridad colocar a los niños primero bajo la campaña "We Are One L.A. Unified" del distrito.
Tanto las escuelas charter como las del distrito han desarrollado paquetes de herramientas para estudiantes, ex alumnos y sus familias que necesitan orientación. Además, muchas escuelas, tanto charter como distrital, se han declarado zonas seguras donde las medidas de aplicación de la ley de inmigración no pueden tener lugar sin la revisión del distrito. La calidad de la educación pública debe permanecer ciega a las condiciones socioeconómicas y políticas que rodean al estudiante y su familia. La educación ofrece oportunidades junto con un desafío para quienes lo buscan. La verdad simple es que cualquier persona que oye la llamada para mejorar su porción en vida con académicos no debe ser castigada. Período.
Los estudiantes son niños, aprendices, nuestro futuro, no son delincuentes, y no deben ser tratados como tales. El presidente Trump, declaró a los estudiantes de DACA como "niños increíbles" días después de asumir el cargo. Estamos de acuerdo. Dejando a un lado la política, nos unimos a otros en educación para reafirmar nuestra promesa de que todos los estudiantes deben tener acceso a espacios educativos seguros y de alta calidad donde puedan crecer y convertirse en miembros productivos de nuestra sociedad. DACA permite justamente eso, y ha sido un programa exitoso por cualquier medida. Ponerlo fin arbitrariamente castiga a los mismos estudiantes que necesitan que cumplamos la promesa de educación pública más. América es mejor que eso, e instamos al Congreso en consecuencia.
Emilio Pack
CEO, STEM Preparatory Schools
Los Angeles Advocacy Council Chair
Cristina de Jesus
President & CEO
Green Dot Public Schools California
Los Angeles Advocacy Council Vice Chair
Marcia Aaron
KIPP LA Schools
For more information on DACA visit DACA
What’s Trending in the Latino Scene Today?
What’s Trending in the Latino Scene Today?

Our nation is in distress and is being pulled apart by reckless national policies aimed at disrupting our national fabric of inclusion, diversity and tolerance.
Several rallies are planned to show support for the DACA program helping to support nearly 800,000 immigrant students and workers.
You are encouraged to contact your local congressional member and senator to urge them to support a congressional act renewing the promise of DACA.
Groups to contact and support on the DACA matter include:

A recent report from Freddie Mac notes the homeownership gap amongst Latinos is narrowing. The 20-year study found that although Latinos are buying homes, the rate at which families are purchasing lags behind whites and that the gap won't close until at least 2035.
Sixty-six percent of Hispanics are U.S. citizens, some of whom are second, third, or even later- generation residents. Another 11 percent are permanent residents, that is, green card holders. Ten percent are here in a variety of temporary categories, some of which may lead to permanent residency. And an estimated 13 percent are undocumented immigrants.
The report further illuminates influencing factors behind the lack of Latino homeownership and provides projections on the various Latino communities throughout the nation and their estimated purchasing rate.
to read the full report visit FREDDIEMAC
A recent report from Freddie Mac notes the homeownership gap amongst Latinos is narrowing. The 20-year study found that although Latinos are buying homes, the rate at which families are purchasing lags behind whites and that the gap won't close until at least 2035.
Sixty-six percent of Hispanics are U.S. citizens, some of whom are second, third, or even later- generation residents. Another 11 percent are permanent residents, that is, green card holders. Ten percent are here in a variety of temporary categories, some of which may lead to permanent residency. And an estimated 13 percent are undocumented immigrants.
The report further illuminates influencing factors behind the lack of Latino homeownership and provides projections on the various Latino communities throughout the nation and their estimated purchasing rate.
to read the full report visit FREDDIEMAC